Various Articles
Quechan Indian Reservation Community Profile. A short profile of the Tribe, brought to you by Congressman Ed Pastor, of Arizona's Second District.
Profile of the Fort Yuma-Quechan Tribe. Another short profile of the Tribe, brought to you by the Arizona American Indian Tourism Association.
Current weather conditions in Yuma, Arizona. This information is brought to you by Weather Underground.
America's EAGLE. A news magazine, published under the auspices of Quechan tribal members, Elmer M. Savilla, with information not usually carried by the mainstream press about the environment, health issues, government, racism, and more.
The Blythe Intaglios. View these ancient figures. Brought to you from the California State Bureau of Land Management website.
Another look at the Blythe Intaglios. This picture is from the Yuma (AZ) Field Office of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management website.
Our Vision of Yuma's Future: The Vision 2020 Plan. Read about how the City of Yuma plans to work with the Quechan Indian Nation to achieve common goals.
YUMA CROSSING STATE HISTORIC PARK GRAND RE-OPENING. This press release, dated August 7, 1997, and issued by Arizona State Parks, describes the newly re-opened Yuma Crossing Park.
Colorado River Region. This report, which is Volume II of Bulletin 160-93, November 1994, The California Water Plan Update, describes the history, geography, and hydrology of the region. This is the region inhabited by tribes including the Quechan. This information is presented by the California State Department of Water Resources, Division of Planning. Click here to see a map of the region and its planning subdivisions.
Description and Assessment of Operations, Maintenance, and Sensitive Species of the Lower Colorado River-August 1996. This document (a Biological Assessment) describes principal operations dealing with flood control; delivery of water entitlements to Arizona, California, and Nevada; delivery of treaty water to Mexico; hydropower production; and the potential 1/3rd operation of the Yuma Desalting Plant. River maintenance is addressed in terms of bankline stabilization and dredging of sediment at points of water diversions. Additionally, activities designed to assure the survival of the endangered razorback sucker and bonytail, and the restoration of native habitat are also described. This information is presented by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region.